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Michigan State University

Macedonian Cultural Dance: Workshop & Demonstrations

Auditorium, Room 12

September 27, 2024

Performing Arts, Workshops and Classes

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Experience the cultural dance of North Macedonia with special guest artists. Participate or simply watch – you decide! This event is free and sponsored by the Department of Theatre, the College of Arts and Letters, and the U.S. Department of State.

Aleksandra Nikiforovski

Since an early age, Aleksandra has been actively engaged in learning classical ballet from ballet pedagogues in Macedonia and abroad. She directs her knowledge and love into choreographing ballets and performances. In 2009 she established the Bullfrogs Production and Bullfrogs Ballet School, and two years after that, in 2011, she established the NGO Bullfrogs Ballet. Throughout the years, she has created and choreographed many ballets and performances, such as: “The woman can drive”, “Teserakt”, “Ametist”, and adapted ballet productions, such as: “Sound of Music”, “Annie”, “Tarantella”, “Swan Lake” and “A Midsummer’s Night Dream”. Aleksandra continuously impacts the development of the culture by creating strategies and implementing projects whose implementation contributes to the development of the creative and artistic sector in Macedonia.

Bojan Lazarov

Bojan Lazarov is professor of movement in Macedonia. He is an actor, performer, and movement educator. Bojan holds a B.A. degree in Acting from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, and an M.A. degree in Ballet Pedagogy from the Faculty of Music Arts. He is actively collaborating with Bullfrogs Ballet School and Production as an actor, dancer, acting teacher, and co-creator in dance/theatre productions.. Throughout his career, he participated in dance and theatre projects, as an actor, director and choreographer. Bojan has taken part in masterclasses and workshops around Europe, collaborating with important theatre masters and directors, such as Eugenio Barba, Jan Fabre, Fabio Tolledi, and Sergei Ostrenko.

Event Time: 3:00 pm – 4:15 pm