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Michigan State University

18th Annual MSU Israeli Film Fest

RCAH Theatre

September 10, 2023


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Sunday, September 10

RCAH Theater, C20 Snyder-Phillips Hall, 362 Bogue St.

12:30pm Welcome and Intro to Cinema Sabaya with special broadcast cast member Amal Murkus

12:45pm Screening of  Cinema Sabaya (1h 31m)

2:15pm Discussion with Amal Murkus

3:00pm Intro to The Narrow Bridge with special broadcast guests Bassam Aramib and Rami Elhanan of the Parents Circle Families Forum

3:15pm Screening of The Narrow Bridge  (1h 20m)

4:35pm Discussion with Bassam Aramin and Rami Elhanan

5:15-6:00pm Complimentary dinner by the sculpture in the courtyard between Snyder-Phillips and Mason-Abbot

6:00pm Welcome and Intro to Here We Are 

6:15pm Screening of  Here We Are  (1h 34m)

7:45pm a discussion with Dr. Vered Weiss and Dr. Yore Kedem

Thursday, September 14

RCAH Theater, C20 Snyder-Phillips Hall, 362 Bogue St.

5:00pm Welcome and Intro to The Judge

5:15pm Screening of The Judge (54m)

6:15pm Panel discussion following the film with Dr. Yael Aronoff,
Dr. Noga Morag-Levine, Dr. Alon Tal 
and Dr. Rami Zeedan

Free Admission!

No registration required

All the events on September 10th are only in person.